Common Questions
Most pondered FAQ’s — all in one place!
Most pondered FAQ’s — all in one place!
Anything I should do to prepare?
Don’t get loaded on espresso, or any other caffeinated products, as it tends to keep you super jittery when trying to relax.
Eat something light an hour or so before your float so you don’t have to listen to your tummy rumbling after demolishing a giant roast beast.
It’s also a great idea not to shave or wax (anything!) 12 hours before your float – as the Epsom salts can irritate sensitive skin.
When is the best time to float?
As ambiguous as this sounds; any time is a great time.
That being said, jumping in after any physical activity, such as yoga or the gym, is an awesome choice and comes highly recommended.
Please don’t actually jump in though – that wouldn’t be fun!
How often should I float?
Similar to going to the gym or yoga, the more you treat floating as a practice – the better results you’ll see in the short-term and long-term.
Although it’s completely up to you how often you’d like to float, we are HUGE advocates of floating at least once a week and allowing your mind to hit that awesome mental and physical reset button.
At the end of the day, we just want people floating as much as possible – whether it’s at our space or somewhere else. If more people are less stressed, our community will simply be a cooler place to live!
If you’re interested, you can check out our $39 Float Club!
Can I float while I’m pregnant?
What pregnant woman has not fantasized about feeling weightless?
They are actually some of our biggest fans!
Floating helps immensely with all the aches, pains and pressures from carrying that little ball of love for months at a time. Your back, hips and ankles will be thanking you for days after.
It’s like a womb inside a womb. As long as your doctor approves – we believe it’s a dream come true! Seriously, you are all champions.
Going for recovery floats is also awesome when the little fella has finally escaped and is keeping you up – for what seems like weeks at a time.
What if it’s that time of month?
No sweat! Just follow the same protocol for when you go swimming.
Should I bring anything with me?
We supply pretty much everything you need including; towels, bathrobes, ear plugs, shampoo and conditioner and even tea.
You float in the nude so you don’t even need to bring swim clothes!
You might want to bring a comb/brush for longer hair, holder for contacts and any lotions you prefer after your post-float shower.
How long do I have to stay in?
Regular floats are 60 minutes and while most people feel this goes by much faster than anticipated – you can get out any time you like.
We aren’t going to yell at you and think you’re weird, we are just excited you decided to take the plunge and tried something different!
Can I fall asleep, drown and have it all end in a salty demise?
This is a very good question with a very easy answer. Absolutely not.
The water is ridiculously buoyant and even if you’re a side sleeper and happen to doze off, the worst case scenario is that you’ll get salt water in your eyes and wake up immediately.
Some people just love to sleep and you should feel free to do the same!
What if small spaces scare the shit out of me?
Many people who think they might feel claustrophobic don’t actually have any issues – it’s just a matter of trying it for the first time.
Strangely enough, being inside a float tank feels more like floating thru outer-space than being enclosed in a box.
Keep in mind, we also have giant rooms with stars on the ceiling – which are in a whole ‘nother league than most float centres.
That being said – you’re always welcome to leave the door open and lights on until you feel more comfortable.
Is this hippie woo-woo science?
The practice of floating, also known as sensory deprivation, has been under scientific study for more than 40 years and continues to build more studies and research as the industry grows.
If you’re a geek like us, don’t be afraid to throw questions our way!
Don’t just take our word for it though – we always suggest people do their own research and get an unbiased view.
How clean are these tanks?
The only thing more important to us than making you feel comfortable at our facility, is making sure you’re safe so you can truly relax.
We work closely with Alberta Health Services and get our water tested each week to ensure maximum quality and service.
In between floats, the water is filtered several times with the addition of hydrogen peroxide to ensure an incredibly sanitary environment.
It’s also important to note that the sheer density of Epsom salt in each tank, on it’s own, is an incredibly strong, natural disinfectant.
Will I become a raisin after my float?
As cool as that would be to come out as a giant raisin – you won’t be wrinkly at all. Since there is such a high concentration of salt in the water, it doesn’t need yours (by osmosis) and keeps you wrinkle free.
If anything; you will absorb a ton of magnesium which is great, especially if you are deficient in this wonderful mineral!
As a warning though, there might be a slight chance of becoming a monkey like in the movie, “Altered States“.
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